Slow Beauty: A pampering-pick-me-up for the isolation lifestyle.

It’s week 3851 of lockdown (or so it feels) and I’m conflicted. On one hand I’m aware that the only person I’ll see in real life this week is the Co-op’s cashier. On the other, I have the inclination to do some pampering and spruce myself up (without doing any more damage to my credit card).

Luckily, my photographer friend and creative partner in crime, Jo Ritchie feels the same. 

Together (but technically apart), we decided there was only one conclusion - raid the kitchen cupboards.

But not for more peanut butter. This time we decided to raid our respective cupboards for a different - albeit slightly more leftfield - reason. To create beauty remedies out of larder staples and kill three birds with one stone:

  1. Make use of some left over non-perishables we had in preperation for armageddon

  2. An excuse to step away from the Merlot and get the creative juices flowing instead 

  3. Share our remedies in case you’re in need of a pampering-pick-me up too 

And so, inspired by the global slower pace of life ‘Slow Beauty’ was born. We scoured the internet to find simple home beauty remedies using everyday kitchen cupboard ingredients, from eggs, to milk, to your breakfast oats. 

The Creative Process

Accompanying each remedy, are still life images displaying the ingredients needed. We gathered home-made props and made use of every nook, cranny and spare wall to create graphic, minimalist shots playing with light and the odd quirk, to really bring them to life. We wanted to try and pervay the stillness and slight oddities we’re facing but with everyday items.

Using Zoom we managed to concept, art direct, style and shoot together (well Joanna shot, I art-directed from afar). Despite not being in the same postcode, this project was a really enjoyable collaboration during such an isolating time. 

So, onto the remedies*

*Just before we get started; suffice to say neither myself or Jo are scientists, or beauticians... or even chefs - appropriate care should be taken before you apply. 

First in The Series — Face Masks


Breakfast Face Mask
For Soft Glowing Skin


1 tbs whole rolled oats
2 tbs milk
¼ teaspoon cinnamon (optional as can cause redness and tingling!)


1. Measure 1 tbs of whole rolled oats into a mixing bowl
2. Add 2 tbs milk
3. Sprinkle in ¼ tsp cinnamon (optional)
4. Stir well until the mixture is smooth and even

How To Apply:

1. Wash your face and neck with warm water and an oil-free cleanser to remove makeup and open pores.
2. Apply the mixture to your face, neck, and décolleté, with your fingers and let it sit for around 20 minutes. This does feel like you’re popping your morning porridge on your face but that’s all part for the fun.
3. After 20 minutes rinse off the mask with lukewarm water.

Oat Face Mask

How it works:

Oats are anti-inflammatory, soothing and packed full of proteins that fortify the skin. The polysaccharides can help prevent dryness, while the fat content moisturises the skin and saponins are natural cleansers that can help to purify the pores.

Milk is known to exfoliate dead skin cells and reveal brighter skin, due to the lactic acid. Soy milk is a good vegan alternative and rich in proteins to help the skin produce collagen.

Cinnamon has antioxidant properties to help soften the skin and remove dead skin cells. It can also help with infections due to its antibacterial and antifungal qualities, however it can make you sun sensitive and cause redness and irritation, so use with caution and only tiny bits.

Benefit Source: Deborah Burnes’ book Natural Beauty Skin Care


Fruit Salad Face Mask
Rejuvenates & Refreshes

½ banana
1 tsp of honey
1 tsp of orange juice

1. Peel a banana and slice it in half. Place one half of the banana into a small bowl and mash it with a fork (eat the other!).
2. Add 1 tsp of honey and the orange juice and stir well.

How To Apply:
1. Wash your face and neck with warm water and an oil-free cleanser to remove makeup and open pores.
2. Apply the mixture to your face, neck, and décolleté, with your fingers and let it sit for around 20 minutes. Don’t worry if the mask seems lumpy, as that’s just the bananas doing their thing.
3. After 20 minutes rinse off the mask with lukewarm water.
4. Pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

Fruit Salad Face Mask

How it works:

Bananas are full of amino acids, potassium, lectin, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C and E, all of which benefit the skin. Bananas can help with moisturising the skin and even with anti aging.

Honey is a humectant, meaning it helps the skin to retain its own moisture and amino acids  which are known for their anti-aging abilities. It also has healing properties and an antiseptic which can help lessen acne. Because it is both antimicrobial and antioxidant it can protect against sun damage and help the skin to rejuvenate.

Source: Deborah Burnes’ book Natural Beauty Skin Care

Oranges are packed with Vitamin C which helps form collagen and elastin, keeping your skin looking younger and more supple.

Benefit Source: Here


Zesty Moisturiser
For fresher looking skin

1 small cucumber, or ½ a large one peeled
2 tbsp virgin olive oil (organic if possible)
1 lime (juice only)

1. Combine the ingredients in a food processor until smooth (that’s literally it!).
2. Pour into a glass jar and ensure the lid is tightly secured for storage.
3. Store in the fridge and use within 3 days.

How To Apply:
1. Wash your face and neck with warm water and an oil-free cleanser to remove makeup and open pores.
2. Use morning and night for a zesty way to refresh your skin.

Cucumber Zesty Face Mask

How it works:

Cucumber flesh contains Vitamin c and caffeic acid, both of which can soothe skin irritation, reduce swelling and prevent water retention. Cucumber has the same PH level as the skin which helps to restore the protective film on the surface called the acid mantle. They’re great for hydrating and nourishing the skin.

Olive oil is full of antioxidants which the skin loves. In particular a micro nutrient called polyphenol which protects the skin from UV rays. It also has Vitamin E, known to preserve youthful skin and can help reduce fine lines.

Source: Deborah Burnes’ book Natural Beauty Skin Care

Limes contain citric acid, which can help exfoliate the top layers of skin, removing dead skin cells whilst increasing the speed of new cell turnover. This promotes new skin growth that can help alleviate the appearance of age spots, acne scars, small wrinkles and areas of uneven tone and texture.

Benefit Source: Here


But it doesn’t end there

Slow Beauty is just the tip of the iceberg my friends; we’re so inspired to put this extra time on our hands to good use, that we’ve developed a whole range of isolation-still-lives, which we’ve called ‘Slow Lives’. 

We’ll be using everything but the kitchen sink (although look out for ‘Slow Cleaning’ where we might make something you can use to clean it with), to creatively and collaboratively ease ourselves through isolation - we’d love for you to join us.